Friday, October 26, 2012

Holiday Seasons With Sonäge !

Affordable Luxury  . . .Using Sonäge fine skin care products

If you think spas are for the rich and famous, you will be pleasantly surprised

if you do not have time for a vacation, but your skin is aching for one, take few minutes off and you will be sure to feel as rejuvenated as if you were away for few days. Here is a sampling of your home care program.

LignePrestige if your skin show signs of fatigue and is thirsty

LigneSpecifique show signs of too many excesses
A decadent duo-self application

The real benefit is that after your home care treatment, you will be able to face the world with a fresh sparkling tone; a regeneration of the Epidermis and enough skin moisture to last you until your next indulgence!

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